When you’re buying a home, the inspection process can be overwhelming. No home is perfect, and issues are bound to come up on an inspection report. So, what do you do when you read the report and you have no idea what it says? The purchase of a home is no small matter, and it […]
About David Snavely
Author Archive | David Snavely

Why First-Time Homebuyers Should Get an Infrared Inspection
Buying your first home can be as scary and overwhelming as it is exciting. The independence that comes with home ownership can quickly turn to stress when unexpected issues arise in your house. Home repairs can be a very costly way to enter into homeownership. No one wants to spend money on roof leaks when […]
Home Inspections: Not for Buyers Only!
In real estate, most people think of the home inspection as something used only by home buyers. However, our team here at Wall 2 Wall Property Inspections wants to give you a few reasons why a residential inspection is also advantageous for home sellers here in San Jose, CA.
Four Ways We Look for Lead Paint
When you purchase a home, you want to make sure it’s safe for you and your family. If your Santa Clara County home was built before 1978 or you suspect lead paint was used, a lead inspection becomes increasingly important to protect your family from lead poisoning. At Wall 2 Wall Property Inspections, we do […]
Top-Two Advantages to Getting a Mold Inspection
When you’re buying or selling a home in California, you end up having to pay quite a bit out of pocket in the process. You have closing costs, the home inspection, and more to consider. Often, people won’t opt for anything “extra” in the process because the costs really add up. And while a mold […]
The 4-1-1 on Radon
Most homebuyers or homeowners understand the value of a home inspection during the purchasing process. They may even opt for mold testing, understanding the health risks involved with having molds present. However, what many people don’t consider is whether the home has high levels of radon and getting a radon inspection. At Wall 2 Wall […]
How to Read Your Inspection Report
When getting a home inspection, you may be initially overwhelmed by the very detailed and thorough inspection report you get back. You may be holding it in your hands or viewing it on your computer thinking, “What now?” At Wall 2 Wall Property Inspections, we do our best to go through the report with you, […]
Why Should I Get a Home Inspection?
Home buyers often question the value of a home inspection. They get tempted to “move things along” in the purchasing process, or they want to entice sellers to accept their offer by waiving the inspection. However, a home inspection is a vital part of the home-buying process—one that you can’t afford to skip. In fact, our […]
Top 3 Tips for San Jose Home Buyers
Buying a new home in the San Jose area can be a stressful experience. First, you have to find the right house and make an offer. If the offer is accepted, then you have to go about securing your financing and making sure everything is in order. Then there’s the home inspection. You fret about […]
3 Reasons to Get Lead Paint Testing
If you’ve bought a house or you’re in the process of buying a house in San Jose, CA, you know that one of the many documents you have to read and sign is the lead-based paint disclosure. Hopefully, your realtor explained this document and what it means about the house you’re purchasing. However, if things […]
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