When you’re buying a home, the inspection process can be overwhelming. No home is perfect, and issues are bound to come up on an inspection report. So, what do you do when you read the report and you have no idea what it says? The purchase of a home is no small matter, and it is important that you understand what kind of home you are getting into. The home inspection experts at Wall 2 Wall Property Inspections know the importance of understanding your inspection report. Here are some questions we encourage all clients to ask during the inspection process.
1. If this was your house, what would you fix?
For the typical homeowner that does not have extensive home inspection or construction experience, it is hard to know which issues are actually a big deal. Asking for the inspector’s opinion on the severity of each issue can help you narrow down the bigger problems. While most home inspectors cannot legally give you a repair bid, they usually can give you an idea of what to be most concerned about verbally.
2. Can you point that out to me?
While many inspectors include pictures in their reports, it is still a good idea to have your inspector walk you through the trouble areas that he found. If he can point out the problem, you can take your own pictures and notes so that you aren’t completely lost when you receive the inspection report.
3. Can you show me how to work that?
It takes time to get to know your new home. Get ahead of the game and save yourself some headaches by asking the expert. Most home inspectors are more than happy to walk you through mechanical or other systems in your home and can show you how to work anything from your thermostat or water heater to your dishwasher. Don’t be shy about asking questions. It is better to learn up front than to deal with the stress of not knowing later.
For any other questions or to schedule a home inspection in Santa Clara County or San Mateo County, you can rely on our team at Wall 2 Wall. You can find out more about our residential or specialty inspection services today by contacting us at (408) 905-9255, or schedule online anytime.
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