When you’re purchasing a new home, you have about a thousand different things to consider. You have your wish list of things to find in a house, you’re thinking about packing, and you are trying to get all your financials in order. You have picked a house you love, and you’re ready to keep moving […]
About David Snavely
Author Archive | David Snavely
The Value of Radon Testing
Most San Jose homebuyers understand that before purchasing a property, a thorough home inspection is essential to the process. However, what not all buyers consider is the value of a radon inspection. While radon testing isn’t typically included in a regular home inspection, our crew at Wall 2 Wall Property Inspections urges you to consider adding […]
How To Know if a Home Has Termites
Many San Jose homebuyers fear termite damage in their new homes. Termites can cause significant damage that you can’t see, so you want to know whether the property shows signs of these pests. But just how can you know whether the property has termites or termite damage? Let our crew at Wall 2 Wall Property Inspections […]
Why Get a Home Inspection?
When you purchase a new home in San Jose, you can easily get overwhelmed by all the expenses. From renting a moving truck to electric or gas hookup, these expenses seem small in comparison to your home’s price tag, but they can add up quickly. Like many home buyers, you may be looking for ways […]
San Jose Commercial Property Inspection
You’ve made the decision to purchase a property for your San Jose business. As a business owner, we understand what a big investment that is. To protect you and your business, be sure you choose a property inspector who can help you determine whether the building is best for your business. With a commercial inspection […]
3 Signs of a Quality Home Inspector
You’re in the process of buying a San Jose home, and you want to make sure you hire a home inspector you can trust. But just what separates a good home inspector from the not-so-great? We at Wall 2 Wall Property Inspections have found that these three qualities tend to indicate a quality home inspector. […]
What is an Infrared Inspection?
At Wall 2 Wall Property Inspections, we offer a number of specialty inspection services—one of which is an infrared inspection (also called thermal imaging). However, not everyone knows what an infrared inspection is or its value to Santa Clara County homeowners or homebuyers.
The 4-1-1 on Lead Paint Testing
Many homebuyers looking in the San Jose, CA area are looking for homes built before the 1980s—and for good reason. Old homes are often filled with character and sturdy construction often unmatched by today’s standards. However, homebuyers also need to be aware that many homes built before 1978 often contain lead-based paint, which is why […]
3 Signs Your Home May Need Mold Testing
Whether you’re in the process of buying a house or you’re already a homeowner, you need to know the telltale signs that your home may have a mold issue. We at Wall 2 Wall Property Inspections of San Jose, CA want to help you tackle mold before it takes over, so check out these common signs […]
What to Expect at a Commercial Building Inspection
Are you in the process of acquiring a commercial building? Whether you plan to lease or buy, get a full commercial building inspection from a licensed and reputable inspection company. You want to know what you’re getting into—or if you need to find another commercial space. At Wall 2 Wall Property Inspections, we provide each […]